Feb 18, 2016

DESIGN RESTAURANTS | Pattern feast in a Mexican restaurant

Mexican restaurant interior design with stunning graphics

Crush for this restaurant design concept in Mexico, El Moro.

By reading more about the project I actually discovered that the real project consists of a branding design to revitalise an old Mexican churreria, as this is not a new interior design concept but a design over an existing space.

Studio Cadena Asociados designed a new concept design based on a strong graphism in blue and white.

The reference for the design is to the long history of El Moro, which since 1935 is well know in Mexico City as one of the best places for churros. Old tiles have been translated into a new graphic pattern which dresses up all the interior, giving a strong new look without loosing the historical image of the place.

The color palette is inspired by the blues of azulejos and by the white of sugar, matched in a graphic pattern that reminds of the art deco age of Mexico.

This amazing pattern makes me think to those  Venetian floors we saw yesterday. Or even more to the azulejos I found in Portugal here. No words to add, love this Mexican restaurant interior design ♥


Mexican restaurant interior design, restaurant design concept, blue and white interior, wall pattern idea, wall pattern azulejos, blue white wall patter, blue white wall decor, interior design restaurant, mexican restaurant design


Un ristorante messicano con delle grafiche pazzesche

Colpo di fulmine per questo ristorante Messicano, El Moro.

Non si tratta di uno spazio progettato da zero, bensì di un’idea geniale progetto di branding di uno storico ristorante a Città del Messico. Uno di quegli esempi di un’ idea semplice e dall’effetto pazzesco che mi piacciono tanto, in questo caso per riportare uno spazio a nuovo.

 Lo studio Cadena Asociados ha creato infatti un nuovo concept basato su un pattern grafico in bianco e blu, che ha rinnovato completamente lo spazio interno. 

Il richiamo è chiaro: i pattern delle piastrelle tipiche del periodo art deco, molto popolari in Messico, nonché delle piastrelle stesse che rivestivano il locale, nel classico colore degli azulejos ovvero il blu. Il tutto schiarito da una buona dose di bianco, che ci fa subito pensare a uno spazio in cui si sfornano dolci, e non solo. 

A me questo pattern fa subito pensare anche ai pavimenti veneziani visti ieri qui, oppure agli azulejos che ho cercato e trovato (con gioia) in Portogallo. Insomma, uno spazio che con un’idea grafica evoca tantissime altre store ♥

 .Mexican restaurant interior design, restaurant design concept, blue and white interior, wall pattern idea, wall pattern azulejos, blue white wall patter, blue white wall decor, interior design restaurant, mexican restaurant design

Mexican restaurant interior design, restaurant concept design, blue restaurant sign, restaurant sign design idea, sign design in blue, churrero design,

Mexican restaurant interior design, restaurant design concept, blue and white interior, wall pattern idea, wall pattern azulejos, blue white wall patter, blue white wall decor, interior design restaurant, mexican restaurant design

restaurant design concept, blue and white floor tiling, blue white interior decor, azulejos floor decor

restaurant design concept, blue and white interior, wall pattern idea, wall pattern azulejos, blue white wall patter, blue white wall decor, interior design restaurant, mexican restaurant design

restaurant-concept-design-azulejos-pattern-mexico-8Images via designboom with thanks





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